this is two wheel drive automatic transmission
gasoline engineHow much does it cost to change transmission fluid in 2002 gmc allison transmission 8.1 with two filters?
parts---35.98 at car quest for the kit
another 25 dolars for fluid
50 dolars labor or do it yourself
total about 120 dolars with laborHow much does it cost to change transmission fluid in 2002 gmc allison transmission 8.1 with two filters?
it takes standard dextron atf, the dealer filters are more than $35 for the pair but the pan gasket is reuse able. figure about 1 or 1.25 hrsHow much does it cost to change transmission fluid in 2002 gmc allison transmission 8.1 with two filters?
its recommended you do power tranny fluid exchange only way to change all tranny fluid roughly 100 bucks for cars and light trucksHow much does it cost to change transmission fluid in 2002 gmc allison transmission 8.1 with two filters?
you only have to change to spin on filter. the filter in the pan only
has to be changed during overhaul