make sure you use the chrysler trans fluid for this truck the owners manual or the dipstick will tell you what it is over the last several years the manufacturers of gm dodge ford and etc make the fluids different so make sure the fluid is app to the truckHow to change the transmission fluid on a 2000 dodge dakota v8 magnum?
auto remove pan bolts slowly and have a oil catch pan unscrew filter most transmission filter easy they fall out or they screw on two screws
manual remove drain plug and have oil catch pan replace oil no filter
type into search box
how to change the transmission fluid
ask parts store for you oil typeHow to change the transmission fluid on a 2000 dodge dakota v8 magnum?
only use ATF +4. Do not try to let anyone talk you into using any form of Dexron. People think they are interchangeable and they are not.