I just bought a 97 chrysler cirrus v6 thats in good shape and I want to keep it that way! I changed oil, checked battery acid level and was go
ing to change auto transmition fluid. For now I was just going to change auto trans fluid %26quot;not filter%26quot; though I already have a new filter/gasket. For the life of me I couldent find a drain plug! I would have thought it would have been on the lowest part of the trans fluid pan! I looked everywhere, and found nothing! I had someone tell me you had to remove the trans pan to drain the fluid. I looked on the inter
net, this see
ms to be true. If so, how the hell do I catch the fluid on pan removel without makeing a huge mess? Seemes verry silly, but I gotta do it! Somebody please tell me how to do this in the most efficiant/least mess kind of way! Thank you!How do you change the auto transmission fluid in a 97 chrysler cirrus v6?
You probably have to drop the pan unless you pump it from the fill hole.
At least if you go through all the trouble make sure you refill with a good quality AMSOIL transmission fluid.
iereferred to dermatologist