GEt a new gasket and make sure you use the proper fluid.
Should be Toyota TYPE TIV.
Don't use standard Dextron will couse problems.
Should take about 4 Qts depending on how long you let it drain.How to change the Automatic Transmission Fluid of Corolla 2005?
No there is no filter to replce.
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How to change the Automatic Transmission Fluid of Corolla 2005?The filter is inside the trans, it is a metal screen that does not need replacing.
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How to change the Automatic Transmission Fluid of Corolla 2005?Drain plug under the car on the transmission -
Fill it back up when your done.
Dont overtighten it.
Get a new o-ring seal for the bolt too.How to change the Automatic Transmission Fluid of Corolla 2005?
Check with the toyota dealership or call your closest Firestone and ask them. Or, purcashe a 2005 Toyota Corolla do it yourself maintenace book. You can purchase them from advance store or napa or