Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changing transmission fluid on a 2006 toyota corolla myself HELP!!!?

k so i am trying to save a buck on changing my transmission fluid on my 2006 toyota corolla. my stuff is black and i think thats a pretty good sign to chagne it. i just hit 30k miles and am trying to do the maintaince on my own. already got new spark plugs, air filter,and oil change. Is there anything else i need to do? alignment?

i dont have my users mauan and dnt know where to begin.

1.What kind of transmission fluid do i need. how much and whats the cost?

2. whats the process? in detail please

also coolant. when shoudl i change that? Thank you SOOOOO much for your helpChanging transmission fluid on a 2006 toyota corolla myself HELP!!!?
Your vehicle takes Toyota Type T-IV transmission fluid. It is very, very important that you use this fluid only. To start out, I'd recommend that you buy 4-5 quarts of this fluid, as well as a new transmission drain plug gasket. They can be easily and cheaply obtained from the dealer. Underneath your vehicle, if you look at the bottom of the transmission you will see that transmission drain plug. This plug requires a hex socket (10mm to be specific), and looks like a regular bolt head turned inside out. Removing that plug will allow the transmission fluid to drain. Once the fluid is done draining, replace the gasket with the one you purchased, and tighten the plug. Add 3 and 1/2 quarts of fluid, start your vehicle and allow it to warm to operating temperatures. Check the level of your fluid once it has warmed up, aiming to have the level within the %26quot;hot%26quot; range on the dipstick. Typically, 3 and 1/2 will put you right there, but it is important to check nonetheless. This is the simplest form of transmission fluid service, the more complicated requiring a flush machine to perform.

Toyota Type T transmissions, especially Corollas are notorious for the fluid turning dark at early mileage. You can attempt to have them try to do something about it under warranty, but they will feed you the diplomatic safe answer of %26quot;well, it all depends on your driving habits...%26quot;Changing transmission fluid on a 2006 toyota corolla myself HELP!!!?
Thanks daryl362 for this informative explanation , could you please advise from where should I add new oil ?


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Changing transmission fluid on a 2006 toyota corolla myself HELP!!!?
Go back to the parts store and pick up a manual for your car.

For what type of tranny fluid and how much, look in you service manual. Should be located in your glove box (if it hasn't been moved).Changing transmission fluid on a 2006 toyota corolla myself HELP!!!?
If the car only has 30k miles on it and the trans fluid is black I would take it to the dealer and have them check it out under warranty. Black fluid means burnt clutches.

If the car is in good shape. Get a Chilton's or Helms service manual for your car from the auto parts store. You should only need to get an alignment if the car pulls in any direction or your tires have a bad wear pattern.

Fuel filter should also be changed.