i also need to know how to change the filterHow do I change the fluid in a turbo 350 transmission?
A turbo-hydro 350 transmission has a pan on the bottom that must be removed to change the fluid and tranny filter. You can't miss the filter as it's right on the bottom of the valve body, the first thing you see when the pan has been removed.How do I change the fluid in a turbo 350 transmission?
You have to remove the transmission pan which is simply bolted on. After removing you will see the transmission filter. there may be a couple of screws that have to be removed but many easily pull out. Be sure to clean the old gasket material off of the transmission and trans pan before reassembly. Add the fluid through the transmission dipstick. start with 4 quarts then heck it with the engine running and in park. Add additional fluid until it is at the appropriate mark. Note-the hotter the transmission fluid gets the more it expands so do not overfill.How do I change the fluid in a turbo 350 transmission?
Remove the Trans,Oil pan, Replace the Filter -clean off the Magnet that is in Pan to collect Metal;Remove old Gasket from Pan,use putty Knife ,be careful and don't gouge the Pan surface,It is Aluninum,Now Put a Straight Edge across the Holes,there should be no Gap under the Straight edge, If there is take a small hammer and tap those holes flat,recheck for Flat no gap;now apply some grease to Pan and then gasket,You can screw a few bolts in and they will hold gasket in place now start all bolts and use a back and fwd pattern while installing,start at Center and work to the outside,Use a Torque wrench so all bolts are same;I used 25 inch lbs on last Vehicle,check the book for your car,it will give the Torque,
Now add Trans.Fluid type for your vehicle,Most likely Dextron;You can put 4 Qts in,start up engine and Place Trans, shift in R-Dr-2-1.about 3 min in ea. position.check for leaks,when car is at Operating Temp eng at idle in park check the Dipstick,You will need a little-do not overfill-If You do Loosen cooling line at Radiater,and let some out;
The Filter and Gasket cost about 12 Dollars--Fluid 12 dollars; If the Fluid is Dark,You can do this, Loosen Cooling lie at radiater,then tighten finger tight use a Measured container,and a 3/8 clear tubing,have some one start engine push hose onto the tube and into the container when the Flow starts to cease have friend turn key to off,You will get about 4 Qts,take a sample,if fluid is dark,Repeat procedure untill the fluid looks like Strawberry pop.How do I change the fluid in a turbo 350 transmission?
There is no drain plug for this so the job can be very messy. Have lots of speedy dry or cat litter and lots of rags on hand.
You have to remove the transmission sump pan.
Remove all of the bolts except 1 from a corner. Loosen that bolt a little and pry the transmission pan free. Make sure you have a large enough container to catch the transmission fluid.
Continue to loosen the pan until you get some of the transmission fluid out. Support the pan, remove the last bolt and remove the pan.
Under the pan you will find the filter. It may be held in place with a bolt.
Simply replace the filter with the correct filter.
There may be some shavings inside the transmission pan. This is normal as long as they aren't excessive. Clean out the pan.
Install the pan using a new gasket. Add transmission fluid, Dextron II. Warm the engine and transmission and check the fluid level. Drive it some and check the level again.
Properly dispose of the old transmission fluid.